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- Uncle Elmer
WWF - Big John Studd vs
Uncle Elmer - King Kong
1986 - George
Steele - Uncle Elmer
Wrestler - Elmer Fudd Uncle
Louie - Uncle Elmer
WWE - Uncle Elmer
Wrestling - McJuggerNuggets Uncle
Larry RV - WWF Uncle Elmer
Theme - Elmer
1942 - Uncle Elmer
vs Andre the Giant - Elmer's
Birthday - Classic Elmer
Fudd - Bugs Bunny the
Wacky Wabbit - John Studd and King
Kong Bundy - WWF Saturday Night
Main Event Episodes - Elmer
Fudd White Christmas - Kevin
Sullivan - Adrian Adonis
Flower Shop - Merrie Melodies
1937 - Looney Tunes Bugs
Bunny Movie - Jerry Lawler
Wrestling - Randy Savage
1986 - Happy Birthday
Elmer - Junkyard Dog
Wrestler - Pat
Patterson - Hulk Hogan
Movie - George the Animal
Steele Wrestler - Jerry
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