ABOUT - tyler warren
tyler had his first art show at the age of 18 in 2004. SINCE THEN TYLER HAS HAD NUMEROUS EXHIBITIONS IN JAPAN, EUROPE, HAWAII AND MORE. IN 2011 AT THE AGE OF 24 …
tyler warren
long. rose; salinas; diamond; noserider; pintail nr; the one fin pin; medium
VIDEOS — tyler warren
Tyler Warren's first session on his 1967 stringerless Gordon n Smith 9'9" Midget Farrelly model
DRAWINGS - tyler warren
text book top turn. oklahoma attitude. queen elizabeth
EVO - tyler warren
evo. this model is based of the eggs that started the short-board revolution, with a much more modern rail and bottom to make it surf more easily.
ROSE - tyler warren
rose. this model is inspired by the boards of the mid sixties with a thin foiled rail and a more symmetrical rocker. a slight concave into a rolled vee this board flows in and out of sections …
SOAP - tyler warren
bar of soap. the fastest surfboard of all time. inspired by bob simmons, richard kenvin, joe boeguess and larry mabile. this board is fast and loose like a bar of soap on a wet tile floor.
DREAM FISH — tyler warren
dream fish. influenced by the san diego fish design. a classic replica with a modern foil and feel. this board is fast loose and takes you back to the basics.
OILS - tyler warren
beauty school drop out 18'' x 12'' 2015. afternoon pick me up 24'' x 36'' 2008. blue sunday 36'' x 36'' 2013
ZIPPER - tyler warren
zipper. this is a board i designed with midget smith in 2006. the original was a diamond tail thruster, a fishy outline allowing for effortless speed and drive.