About us - Washington State Department of Ecology
About us. Our vision: Our partnerships protect and sustain healthy land, air, water, and climate in harmony with a strong economy. Our mission: To protect, preserve, and enhance Washington’s environment for current and future generations.
Water quality - Washington State Department of Ecology
Our mission is to keep Washington waters clean. Use this site to find out if a lake, stream, or marine beach near you is healthy or polluted. Learn about water cleanup plans and how we’re addressing stormwater runoff, promoting good wastewater management, and protecting wetlands that are important ...
Organics & food waste - Washington State Department of Ecology
Contact information. Alli Kingfisher Organics and food center lead alli.kingfisher@ecy.wa.gov 509-960-1290. Michelle Andrews Organics specialist michelle.andrews@ecy.wa.gov
Air & Climate - Washington State Department of Ecology
Air & Climate. Everyone deserves clean air to breathe and a sustainable future that responds to challenges presented by climate change. To reach these goals, we regulate harmful emissions from vehicles, burning, and industrial activities to help protect air quality and reduce greenhouse gases that increase temperatures around the globe.
Water & Shorelines - Washington State Department of Ecology
Water & Shorelines. We improve and protect water quality, manage and conserve water resources, and effectively manage coastal and inland shorelines to assure our state has sufficient supplies of clean water for communities and the natural environment.
Who we are - Washington State Department of Ecology
Who we are. Our agency is dedicated to preserving and protecting the environment in Washington. To learn how we preserve and protect Washington's land, air, and water for today and for future generations, read the message from our director and our strategic plan.
Wells - Washington State Department of Ecology
The Washington state well report (log) viewer allows you to search for and view detailed records of the construction and subsurface characteristics of individual wells. Well reports also contain information about location, owner name, driller name, and the quantity of water a well produces.
Wetlands - Washington State Department of Ecology
Wetlands. Washington's wetlands protect water quality, reduce flooding, provide aquifer recharge for drinking water and other uses, and provide critical habitat for fish and wildlife.
Climate Commitment Act - Washington State Department of Ecology
The Climate Commitment Act (CCA) caps and reduces greenhouse gas emissions from Washington’s largest emitting sources and industries, allowing businesses to find the most efficient path to lower carbon emissions. This powerful program works alongside other critical climate policies to help Washington achieve its commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 95% by 2050.
Ocean management - Washington State Department of Ecology
We represent Washington state on the West Coast Regional Planning Body and participate on a sub-regional planning team that builds off of Washington’s ocean planning efforts and involves the coastal treaty tribes and federal agencies.; We work with regional partners to improve access to data through the West Coast Ocean Data Portal.; We …