Julia Roberts and Steven Spielberg did not get along on the set of …
Jul 26, 2022 · R113. Funny, I once saw John Legend's wife in person. Stunning. A Paul Gauguin painting come to life with glowing amber colored skin. Conversely, Miss Roberts in ungainly, bigbonedid and very much horse-like in person with a greenish -grey pallor. Roberts was with a handler who is even bigger asshole than her client.
QUEER AS FOLK May 1 Reunion - the Data Lounge
May 4, 2020 · Hello. Some features on this site require a subscription. Please click here to get full access and no ads for $1.99 or less per month.
Fellow Travelers will premiere October 27 - the Data Lounge
Aug 17, 2023 · John Malkovich is Dangerous Liaisons, for example. Bailey is miscast in the role the role that exists onscreen, but they could have rewritten the character to be more suitable to his age. The character is clearly written for a much younger man, and the cognitive dissonance takes the series into camp.
Let's be a cliche sitcom? - the Data Lounge
Oct 22, 2023 · I'm the actor playing the eldest son on the show, who becomes a teen heartthrob. The show is suddenly re-focused around me, making me the de facto star. This really pisses off the actors playing my parents, because this show was supposed to be a star vehicle for them.
Black Narcissus (1947) - the Data Lounge
Nov 11, 2018 · Actually, he wasn't an actor at all, just some random US Army sergeant who was picked for the role. Sometimes casting non-actors can give wonderful results (like in all those Italian neorealist films or with Haing S. Ngor in The Killing Fields) but sadly this was not the case here- he wasn't totally awful, but he was remarkably stiff.
THEATRE GOSSIP #490: The "Has It Really Come to This: We're …
Sep 5, 2022 · Having a black actor play William F. Buckley is all kinds of wrong. What makes that Buckley/Vidal debate so interesting is that Buckley was coming from a place of white privilege. Today’s equivalent would be Anderson Cooper, even though his political ideology is different, he has money to be above the daily person’s problems.
Sneakily conservative filmmakers? - the Data Lounge
May 4, 2022 · John Krasinski has made stuff that has a conservative white patriotism tinge to it. That Benghazi movie he made and released during the 2016 election, the Jack Ryan series, even A Quiet Place lowkey pandered to rural America.
Let’s be Gone With The Wind - the Data Lounge
Jan 11, 2023 · R206, Gary Cooper had the looks, although he was a little too old (38 in 1939 - Leslie Howard was 46!), but I think Cooper was too strong and virile to play a weakling like Ashley. Even if he, as an actor, could pull it off - which is not a sure thing - audiences wouldn't have bought it. Cooper was a heroic type on screen, which Ashley is not.
3 neighbors dead in murder-suicide following snow removal …
Feb 4, 2021 · Three Plains Township residents were left dead in what authorities are calling a murder-suicide. A neighbor shot a husband and wife on Monday during a snow storm just before 9 a.m.
So sick of rap and hip hop - the Data Lounge
Sep 18, 2021 · One Direction ain't exactly the Beatles, the Who, the Kinks (speaking of subversive), even the fucking Beach Boys movint on from stuff like Help Me, Rhonda to stuff like Good Vibrations and Slooo John B. The variety and creativity and multitude of styles and sounds was just insane. You heard growth, artists maturing.