Ghast Tear - Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki
8 Ghast Tear Brewing Ingredient COMMON: 8 Ghast Tear Brewing Ingredient COMMON: 8 Ghast Tear Brewing Ingredient COMMON: Quick Crafting Slot Quick crafting allows you to craft items without assembling the recipe. 8 Ghast Tear Brewing Ingredient COMMON: Wooden Sword Damage: +20 This item can be reforged! COMMON SWORD: 8 Ghast Tear Brewing ...
Enchanted Ghast Tear - Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki
5 Enchanted Ghast Tear Brewing Ingredient UNCOMMON: 5 Enchanted Ghast Tear Brewing Ingredient UNCOMMON: Silver Fang Damage: +100 This item can be reforged! X Rift-Transferable X UNCOMMON SWORD: Quick Crafting Slot Quick crafting allows you to craft items without assembling the recipe. 5 Enchanted Ghast Tear Brewing Ingredient UNCOMMON
how do i get ghast tear collection (ironman) | Hypixel Forums
Jul 23, 2022 · im on ironman and im looking to get ghast tear collection for a voodoo doll. the only problem is, to get ghast tears, you need to a.) spawn them on your island using a nether biome stick or a ghast minion or b.) kill the ghasts/dive ghasts on the crimson isle. now, the only problem with THAT is for a nether biome stick you need magma cream ...
Ghast Minion - Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki
32 Ghast Tear Brewing Ingredient Collection Item COMMON: 32 Ghast Tear Brewing Ingredient Collection Item COMMON: 32 Ghast Tear Brewing Ingredient Collection Item COMMON: Quick Crafting Slot Quick crafting allows you to craft items without assembling the recipe. 32 Ghast Tear Brewing Ingredient Collection Item COMMON: Ghast Minion II Place this ...
What's the best way to get ghast tear collection?
Apr 26, 2022 · Hey! I just got the materials to craft the vanquished ghast cloak but I don't have the recipe unlocked. Since the nether stars are coop soulbound I can't trade them to someone who has the recipe. I was wondering what is the best (fastest) way to get ghast tear collection. Thanks!
Ghast tear collection | Hypixel Forums
Jun 26, 2019 · it's not an endgame weapon lol, nobody uses it because it's trash. It costs less than 2 stacks of ghast tears taking minutes to get. And sells for 5000 on ah (usually). An endgame weapon is the pigman sword which takes weeks and is worth 15m. I would call the silver fang a weapon that you get the day you start playing skyblock
Ghast - Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki
Ghast Added. April 20th, 2022 Crimson Isle Release [Lv17] Ghast removed and replaced with the [Lv85] Ghast. October 4th, 2023 0.19.5: Nerfed the Stats from 2,000,000 -> 100,000 Health. August 6th, 2024 Artist's Abode: Added the Cyclamen Dye to the loot pool.
[Balancing Suggestion] Ghast Tear Collection | Hypixel Forums
Jun 27, 2019 · The recipe would be the sword surrounded by 4 ghast tears per slot, for a total of 32 ghast tears. Second Change Ghast Tear VIII should give 4k combat experience instead of 2.5k combat experience. Third Change Ghast Tear IX should give 7,500 combat experience instead of 5,000 combat experience. That is what I think the collection needs.
Silver Fang - Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki
5 Enchanted Ghast Tear Brewing Ingredient UNCOMMON: 5 Enchanted Ghast Tear Brewing Ingredient UNCOMMON: Silver Fang Damage: +100 This item can be reforged! X Rift-Transferable X UNCOMMON SWORD: Quick Crafting Slot Quick crafting allows you to craft items without assembling the recipe. 5 Enchanted Ghast Tear Brewing Ingredient UNCOMMON
Ghast Head - Hypixel SkyBlock Wiki
Ghast Tear Brewing Ingredient COMMON: Ghast Tear Brewing Ingredient COMMON: Ghast Head Health: +100 Restores 1% of your maximum Health every second while worn. This item can be reforged! COMMON HELMET: Quick Crafting Slot Quick crafting allows you to craft items without assembling the recipe. Ghast Tear Brewing Ingredient COMMON: Ghast Tear ...