Lets Build a Colt LMG! - AR15.COM
Jul 7, 2016 · The LMG upper was the same: Colt sold off about 1,000 of them in the late '90s, with semi BCs, again for about $1k each. They function fine in semi, but many have been snatched up by FA RR owners because of their qualities for handling …
Colt LMG Gas Tube - AR15.COM
Dec 20, 2017 · So, stumbled across a couple of companies selling repro "M16 LMG Uppers". If I recall correctly, the LMG version of the M16, put out by Colt, used a special heavier gas tube. So if I were to purchase one of these retro/repro LMG uppers...and for some reason managed to burn up the gas tube mating it to a RR lower and doing a C-dump...
Colt LMG Upper - AR15.COM
Mar 17, 2023 · Colt LMG uppers are still worth that due to collectibility however. You can replicate most of the performance with a chrome-lined HBAR upper and an extra high-quality melonited gas tube, but nobody offers a stainless gas tube that thick like Colt used (and it was a larger diameter inside the gas block as well).
Colt LMG Buffer Alternative - AR15.COM
Mar 1, 2024 · Kinda hoping C3junkie (@amphibian) will chime in here, but has anyone had success with finding a readily-available alternative to the Colt LMG hydraulic buffer? They're going for $300+ nowadays but could break at any moment.
COLT LMG clone build planning phase - AR15.COM
Feb 14, 2022 · Colt surpluses all of their spare parts to make the kits in the early 2000’s just like the DOE’s so probably very few spare parts out there. A couple pics of my 2 LMG’s right now. Attached File This is one I picked up from a colt employee. It’s a demilled mag well that I had rewelded to an 80%. It’s the one with the first gen LMG upper
Lets Build a Colt LMG! - AR15.COM
Jul 7, 2016 · Colt RO750 (LMG) barreled uppers are out there and come up for sale every now and then - expect to pay approx $1800 -$2000 w/o BCG. Gas tubes are pretty much unobtainium - last one I saw sold went for $125. You can try to duplicate the LMG tube by taking a caliper to your local auto parts store and measuring various
Colt LMG vs M231 Port gun open bolt fire control groups
Jun 3, 2020 · I just picked up an LMG A2 upper and have been researching their open bolt fire control groups. The M231 port gun also fires from an open bolt, however from the pictures I've found online, the FCG groups are very different. LMG fire control group: Attached File Port Gun fire control group: Attached File
Colt LMG open bolt parts? - AR15.COM
Apr 21, 2020 · However, to use with a Colt Light Machine Gun, you will need the Release Lever which is not required for AM15 operation and is therefore NOT INCLUDED with this SEAR ASSEMBLY. This SEAR ASSEMBLY WILL NOT WORK for Colt LMG 5.56 operation without the addition of the Release Lever which is not included and we do not have available.
Is there a market for a repro Colt LMG upper? - AR15.COM
May 17, 2021 · As a baseline here is a Colt LMG on a lower configuration you would find on a MK18. Same upper and just changing to the A5 tube Kynshot RB5007 and 556 Tubb flat spring. Note that I use this same buffer tube, buffer and spring in about 95% of all of my full auto M16 configuration in various calibers.
Does anyone here have a Colt LMG? - AR15.COM
Jul 15, 2017 · My advice is just buy the Colt LMG upper and run it in closed bolt on either semi or FA lower. Another thing to note is that if you run in open bolt you loose semi function. Open bolt is safe/full only.