The following exercises must be done every day to prevent complications. After below the knee amputation, it is important to prevent the hip from staying in a bent or flexed position.
Below Knee Amputation: Positioning and Exercise Program . The exercises and stretches in this handout will help to prepare you to wear a prosthesis properly. The positioning instructions …
Exercises following a below knee amputation You should do your exercises on a regular basis as directed by your physiotherapist. They are essential to maintain the strength and flexibility of …
This sheet has been designed to help you remember the exercises that you have been taught by your physiotherapist following a transtibial (below knee) amputation. What are the potential …
These exercises are designed to increase your muscle strength and maintain the movement in your joints. If you experience pain when performing the exercises, stop and contact your …
The advice and exercises contained in this booklet are designed to maintain range of movement and strength following your amputation and to start to prepare you for fitting of an artificial limb.
Exercise helps to keep your strength and mobility as well as improve your blood flow. These exercises will help to keep you independent either in a wheelchair or using an artificial leg …
Aug 13, 2019 · Whether you’re preparing for or recovering from a below-knee amputation, there are a number of amputee fitness routines out there to help you rebuild your strength, regain …