Ciliary Body of the Eye: Anatomy and Function - Cleveland Clinic
Mar 17, 2023 · The ciliary body, behind your iris, is one of a group of eye parts that make up your uvea. The ciliary body’s jobs include making aqueous fluid and controlling the muscle that lets your lens change shape to focus on what you’re seeing.
Ciliary body - Wikipedia
The ciliary body is part of the uvea, the layer of tissue that delivers oxygen and nutrients to the eye tissues. The ciliary body joins the ora serrata of the choroid to the root of the iris.
Iris (anatomy) - Wikipedia
The outer edge of the iris, known as the root, is attached to the sclera and the anterior ciliary body. The iris and ciliary body together are known as the anterior uvea.
Ciliary body: anatomy and function | Kenhub
Oct 30, 2023 · The ciliary body is a ring-like thickening located between the anterior border of the choroid and the posterior aspect of the iris. On the cross-section, the ciliary body is triangular with its base near the iris and the apex near the choroid.
Ciliary body of the eye - All About Vision
Mar 1, 2021 · The ciliary body is a circular structure in the eye that is connected to the iris and is located directly behind it. It produces the aqueous fluid inside the eye. The ciliary body also includes a muscle that enables the lens of the eye to focus on near objects.
Anatomy of the Angle - American Academy of Ophthalmology
Nov 8, 2017 · The ciliary body lies behind the iris. Its functions include the manufacture of aqueous humor, the control of accommodation, the regulation of aqueous outflow, the secretion of hyaluronate into the vitreous, and the maintenance of a portion of the blood-aqueous barrier.
Ciliary body - Anatomy, Diagram, Function, Significance
Jan 22, 2025 · The ciliary body is located between the iris and the choroid. It lies just behind the iris and surrounds the lens, forming a continuous ring that extends toward the posterior segment of the eye.
Ciliary Body and Ciliary Epithelium - PubMed Central (PMC)
On the ciliary body, the purpose is to increase the surface area available for fluid secretion. The ciliary processes have a radial orientation, each ridge pointing toward the pupil (Fig 1). In some species, the ridges extend part way across the posterior surface of the iris.
Anatomy of iris and ciliary body - An Eye Care Blog
Mar 20, 2023 · Iris is the anterior most part of the uveal tract. It is a thin circular disc corresponding to the diaphragm of a camera. In its centre is an aperture of about 4 mm diameter called pupil which regulates the amount of light reaching the retina. The ciliary body is attached to the lens by the collection of tiny fibrous cords known as the zonular ...
Ciliary Body - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The ciliary body (CB) shares a common embryonic origin with the iris but develops into a functionally different structure. The CB extends from the iris root anteriorly, to the ora serrata posteriorly, and consists of ciliary muscles (meridional, …