Rook - Chess Terms - Chess.com
As mentioned, the rook is the second most powerful piece (behind the queen). The rook can move forward, backward or sideways, but cannot move diagonally (like a queen or a bishop). The rook can move up or down vertically on any file. In the following diagram, you can see the rook's potential moves highlighted on the e-file.
The Rook: Towering Strength and Unyielding Dominance in Chess
Aug 3, 2023 · In the ancient game of chess, amidst the intricacies of knights, bishops, queens, and kings, stands a formidable piece that commands attention and respect - the rook. Towering with strength and unyielding in its dominance, the rook is a critical asset on the chessboard, capable of shaping the course of a game with its unique movement and ...
The Rook | Chess Lessons - Chess.com
The rook can move forwards, backward, and sideways.
Chess Pieces Names, Moves & Values - Chess.com
The queen can also move as many squares as it likes diagonally (like a bishop). An easy way to remember how a queen can move is that it moves like a rook and a bishop combined! The queen moves like a rook and bishop combined. The King. The king is the most important chess piece. Remember, the goal of a game of chess is to checkmate the king!
How to use your rook effectively? - Chess.com
Dec 29, 2016 · The most commonly misunderstood piece in chess is the rook. Many players have real problems with their rooks and don’t know how to play with them. Today, IM Vangjel Buli has prepared a new text lesson for you. He will teach you with an illustrative example – a game he played in the Accelerated Dragon variation of the Sicilian Defense.
The Tactical Rook Lift - Chess.com
Jul 18, 2014 · Pawn Pawn Rook by Jeremy Brooks | CC. In his book My System, Nimzowitsch asserts that an active, centralized rook has the potential to wreak havoc by "trampolining" from flank to flank. This is a notion that every chess player should take to heart. A rook has tremendous mobility, so it can move from flank to flank with breathtaking speed.
Winning Rook Endings - Rook Endgames - Chess.com
Quickly improve your chess endgame skills. Use our training app to master Winning Rook Endings in the endgame to stop losing rating points!
Chess Pieces Value - Chess Terms - Chess.com
Yes! White should capture the rook on h6 with the bishop on c1 because the rook is worth five points while the bishop is worth 3 points. Let's try another one! In the following position, should the White queen capture the rook on the e8-square? Should the White queen capture the rook on e8? Yes, White should capture the rook on e8!
Rook and Other Endgames - Chess Lessons
"Rook and Other Endgames" covers rook endings with some minor piece and queen endings included. Improve your endgame knowledge with IM Silman today! Here is what you will learn: Learn key rook endgame strategies! Practice rook endgame tactics! Learn how rooks interact with other pieces in the ending! "Congrats Chess.com for this amazing product."
Rook Endgames - Training & Practice - Chess.com
Quickly improve your chess endgame skills. Use our training app to master Rook in the endgame to stop losing rating points!