The MBA is the collective bargaining agreement that covers most of the work done by WGA writers. If you have questions regarding the application or interpretation of its provisions, contact the ...
Mitchell Hurwitz offered a glimpse into his take on the family sitcom when he spoke of his own parents' refusal to "quietly disappear into their middle age." This, Hurwitz went on, "made the act of ...
Over the past decade, deregulation and the growing dominance of streaming video have laid the groundwork for a media landscape where just three companies—Disney, Amazon, and Netflix—are poised to be ...
1. "Created by" Credit Determination. The WGA-determined "Created by" credit also determines the writer's eligibility for separated rights in a series. The "Created by" credit on a series is not ...
The premier source for financial services and support among performers and entertainment industry professionals. Since 1962, SAFCU has stood side-by-side with hard working performers and entertainment ...
These are the general guidelines for joining the Writers Guild, West (WGAW) through the WGA Low Budget Agreement 1. If I sell a screenplay or am employed to perform writer services under the WGA Low ...
Asked how he'd been able to be so controversial on All in the Family, creator Norman Lear said to the WGAW website in 2009: "I don't really know how to explain it. It took me three years to get All in ...
If you are currently displaced by the fires and need financial assistance, WGAW Good & Welfare emergency assistance loans are available. In this time of crisis, the Guild will expedite this assistance ...
This committee actively represents the professional and creative interests of Asian American Guild members. Its mandate is to be dedicated to the encouragement, empowerment and employment of writers ...
Unlike other landmark comedy variety series, most notably Saturday Night Live, It's impossible to talk about Laugh-In without viewing it through the lens of its times, the late 1960s and early '70s.
The Board of Directors will consider requests from individuals or companies to be removed from the Strike/Unfair List. In such cases, the Board will examine the facts and circumstances concerning the ...
The history of the Writers Guild of America is one of a continuous struggle to expand and defend the creative rights and compensation of writers. Changes in the entertainment industry, often driven by ...