Prime minister Navin Ramgoolam on November 24 suspended Raj Dayal as police commissioner after a long-running dispute (ION N° 787) and appointed a special inquiry commission headed by former chief ...
ODEP, the agency that manages Morocco's ports, has announced a 114 million DH program to upgrade the port of Safi with the acquisition of new cranes and a tug. The program is aimed at increasing the ...
It is not a new ambassador, but a chargé d’affaires who has just been appointed to London by the Ethiopian government. Born in 1955 at Fitche in the present Oromia Regional State, Fisseha Adugna ...
A former Mauritian ambassador to France is to be chairman of Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) and is expected to try to make the state-owned radio and television service less anchored to ...
The directorate of Central Intelligence Organization (CIO), which heads up Zimbabwe's secret service and the presidential security service, has for the first time been handed over to the military.
An experienced professional banker, Tekalign Gedamu, who worked for the African Development Bank (ADB) for more than sixteen years, has been named director general of the Bank of Abyssinia. Set up in ...
The South African businessman Tony Teixeira has just pulled off a major coup. Otterbea International, which is 80.1% owned by Teixeira's company Diamond-Works, has just won an exclusive contract to ...
Former Tanzanian ambassador to France Weidi Mwasakafyuka, now retired, was questioned by Dar es Salaam police for three hours on November first about newspaper articles he wrote for the ...
Since the victory of the Labour Party/Mouvement Militant Mauricien coalition in December's general election, Marie France Roussety has been trying to become the Mauritian ambassador to France. Her ...
It is his former deputy Teklewold Atnafu who replaces the governor of the National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE), Dubale Jale since the beginning of March. Dubale was at the head of the Ethiopian central ...
The president of France's Compagnie Générale des Eaux (CGE) was questioned as "witness" on Reunion Island on September 21 and asked to explain the terms under which his company obtained the water ...
Just four weeks before Kenya's general elections on December 29, head of state Daniel arap Moi has named the chairman of the national electoral commission, justice Zaccheus Chesoni, 61, to be Kenyan ...