The Deaf Academy is set to host a national conference on March 21st, bringing together leading professionals in Deaf education from across the UK. The highly anticipated 2025 BATOD-BAEA Conference ...
On March 10th 2025 the very first film I wrote, Where the Light Gets In, will be broadcast on television. Throughout March the film premieres at cinemas in London, Derby and Edinburgh too. It’s a ...
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When I was experiencing anxiety, I quickly realised how inaccessible mental health services can be for deaf people—especially those who don’t use BSL. My doctor, who knew I was deaf, suggested I ...
To see entry guidance with BSL translation, click here. This year I’m excited to be one of the judges of the Forward Prizes for Poetry, and I’m even more excited that Deaf poets who create their ...
Hi everyone, my name is Jahannah James, I’m a Londoner born and bred and I’m an actor and content creator. I grew up with Glue Ear and always had hearing issues and grommets etc, but it wasn’t until I ...
The first screening will take place at Curzon Cinema in Hoxton, London and will feature two Q&A sessions afterwards. The following premieres will be held in Derby and Edinburgh. Chris Baker, a ...
Hi everyone, I am Alison Jones, a Deaf BSL user and I am the CEO of Communication Unlimited, otherwise known as CU. CU is primarily a Sign Language interpreting agency covering Derby and Derbyshire ...
I should begin by saying that I’m deafblind. I was registered blind when I was 3 and by the time I was six it was noticed that I wasn’t hearing that well. Both my sight and hearing continued to ...
Enjoying our eggs? Support The Limping Chicken: ...