"The best goodwill gesture the Russians can provide is to say yes – to say yes to the offer that the Ukrainians have made to stop the shooting," said Secretary Rubio.
All elements of the Assad regime’s chemical weapons program must now be secured, declared, and safely destroyed under international verification,” said Ambassador Shea.
The United States condemns the radical Islamist terrorists, including foreign jihadis, that murdered people in western Syria ...
T]his Department of Justice will ensure that terrorists like Mohammad Sharifullah have no safe haven, no second chances, and ...
"We encourage dialogue between the Yemen and Al-Shabaab sanctions Panels ... to shed light on and ultimately sever the ties ...
Выступая на церемонии чествования заложников и их семей в Государственном департаменте США, старший советник Адам Белер заявил: «Для этой ...
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"So, it’s starting a new era ... where we’re saying that it is not acceptable in any case to hold American citizens abroad ...
Hamas, another Iran-enabled terrorist group, is advising the Houthis to “keep their hand on the trigger for renewed attacks ...
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