Cherelle Parker unveiled a $2 billion plan to invest in housing in Philadelphia and make homes more affordable for owners and ...
Many city positions are vacant and Parker’s mandate that municipal workers return to the office full time has been unpopular.
To continue the free transportation program for low-income Philadelphians, it would cost the city $30 million each year.
Since Ed Rendell, every Philadelphia mayor has had free access to a suite at any game and concert at the current Philadelphia ...
Monday’s address provided the first substantive details of the administration’s Housing Opportunities Made Easy initiative.
In an effort to provide 30,000 new and preserved homes, Mayor Cherelle Parker on Monday unveiled an investment of $2 billion ...
Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle Parker and Will Smith both hinted about a Fourth of July concert on the Ben Franklin Parkway ...
The plan includes a new fixed-rate mortgage program with 3% down payments, rental assistance for middle-income workers and ...
Philadelphia City Council held a special session on Monday, where Mayor Cherelle Parker unveiled her plans to expand housing ...
In West Philadelphia where he was born and raised, there’s now a street called Will Smith Way. Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle ...