It's attack of the drones as flying cameras stalk stars and serve as burglary lookouts, all while becoming tougher to detect.
Eyewitness Jonathan Butner recorded nearly 90 minutes of footage showing “upwards of 40-plus” drones on a direct path to ...
The U.S. military is searching for ways to track and stop drone swarms flying over sensitive national security sites.
From inside command centers, first responders would be able to deploy a drone as soon as a 911 call is made to provide an eye ...
Previously convicted of murder, Marvin R. Markle Jr., 59, is charged with the November 1982 killing of De Anna Lynn Johnson, 14, and leaving her body along railroad tracks in.
Mach Industries, a defense technology company based in Huntington Beach, California, has announced a new partnership with ...
As soon as it takes off, a real-time 3D view of the drone’s path appears in the cockpit application, helping pilots navigate ...
Spectacular drone footage captured Southern Resident Killer Whales as they made their way through the Monterey Bay frolicking and searching for food.