The city of Perrysburg has installed several automated external defibrillators (AEDs) throughout the community in order to ...
Senior buildings in Illinois are not required to have defibrillators, which improve the odds of survival during cardiac ...
After a close friend’s life was saved by an AED, Neville personally understands the importance of the easy-to-use small device that gives a safe electric shock to someone having a sudden cardiac ...
“If you were to tell me eight months ago I would be standing in front of you talking about substance abuse prevention and putting Narcan in AED boxes, I would have said you were crazy,” Horning shared ...
If only cats could scoop their own litter. Sadly, that will never be a reality, but there’s another just-as-great solution: self-cleaning litter boxes. I enlisted my three favorite felines to ...
the next step is the purchase of an outside AED box so it can become part of the Public Use Network being developed in Roscrea by the Responders, if anyone here is feeling generous €250 would do the ...
The survey, conducted by the Harris Poll and commissioned by ZOLL, reveals that while 90% of Americans would want a bystander to use an AED to help them, 53% feel it is not their responsibility ...
1 Wales Epilepsy Research Network (WERN), Institute of Life Sciences, Swansea University, Singleton Park, Swansea, UK 2 School of Medicine, Cardiff University, University Hospital of Wales, Heath Park ...
That number could swell if more people had easier access to AEDs and knew how easy they are to use, according to a fact sheet from Zoll Medical Corp., an AED manufacturer. All the officers at the ...