In a consultation paper released late Monday, Sebi said it wants to link stock derivative position limits to the cash market. The idea is to cap the market-wide position limit at the lower of 15% of a ...
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) chairperson Madhabi Puri Buch has made it clear that the regulator sees no need to comment on the recent slump in mid- and small-cap stocks.
Wearing a black "Make America Great Again" hat and dark sunglasses, Elon Musk - the multi-billionaire tasked by Donald Trump with taking a metaphorical chainsaw to the federal government ...
The framework for disclosure of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) - metrics to assess new-age IPOs and other equity raises - are set for an complete overhaul, learns Moneycontrol, with capital ...
SEBI plans to introduce a mechanism tying trading accounts to specific SIM cards and devices. Under the model, investors would need to link their UCC with their mobile device's IMEI and registered ...
It’s a turn of the epoch, a closing of a chapter, the end of an era. The Lamborghini Huracán STO is making its final showroom laps. It will soon be replaced by the plug-in hybrid Lamborghini ...
Launching the product in Mumbai on Monday flanked by SBI chairman SC Setty, Sebi chairperson Madhabi Puri Buch, who conceptualised the low investment SIP, said; " was one of my fondest dreams ...
Sebi's updated regulatory framework could hurt research analysts in the Indian securities market, acting as a deterrent rather than an enabler Recent changes by the Securities and Exchange Board ...
According to Sebi’s circular released on Friday, these standards will require listed entities to provide detailed information to the audit committee when placing RPT proposals for review.
The Sebi chief said she would be happy to throw the entire Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements (LODR) Regulations into the bin, barring RPT. Agencies She also said the largest number of ...
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) on Friday, February 14, launched a dedicated Related Party Transaction (RPT) portal to enhance transparency and governance in corporate India. This ...