Warning! Spoilers Ahead for Ultimate Wolverine #3! With Wolverine operating as the Ultimate Universe’s Winter Soldier under ...
The conclusion to Jonathan Hickman and Greg Capullo's Wolverine: Revenge shows Logan staking claim to the mantle of King of Hell.
Romulus is the villain who manipulated Wolverine for most of his life, and his recent return in the From the Ashes era ...
Without that superhero, the universe will die. This detail is so general that we can interpret it in several ways. Wolverine could be one of these characters. I’m certain of it. Previous ...
The MCU doesn’t really ever need to do this story, especially since it was important in building up the next entry on this list… Death of Wolverine, by Charles Soule and Steve McNiven ...
The GOLDEN metal means death for WOLVERINE…but is it also the world's salvation? Collectors' note: A key appearance is contained in this issue. RATED PARENTAL ADVISORY. How fascinating that ...
He repeated what he had said in previous years about the character. The ending in Logan, where Wolverine dies, concludes the character’s story. And Jackman didn’t want to ruin any of that.