Gregory Morris was arrested for manufacturing/delivery of a controlled substance and possession of marijuana.
Breaking Bad is back in the headlines after over a decade of its conclusion. It revolves around a chemistry teacher named ...
Bedard notes that he dons a green apron for his early meth cooking, his wardrobe then transitions more to green as Gilligan ...
Bryan Cranston's Walter White was a terrible partner to his associates and an even more terrible husband to Skyler White who ...
“Breaking Bad” followed Cranston’s Walter White, a chemistry teacher with terminal cancer who resorts to cooking meth with a former ... was Bryan Cranston could not eat not one cookie.
Kelly Ripa has revealed that she may have picked up some unexpected skills while watching Breaking Bad - with the TV host stating that she now believes she could make crystal meth like lead ...
And I just saw the other day that Breaking Bad was trending on Netflix, and it’s just such common sense, and I think a lot of these streamers, they know they have been getting away with not ...
Two illegal aliens tied to Mexican cartels and approximately 130,000 fentanyl pills, heroin, cocaine and meth were discovered ...
Some recent dramas would have trouble beating the opening to this week's episode of 24 Hours in Police Custody (Channel 4, Mon, 9pm).
“It's not illegal to have a Chinese ... The drugs turned out to be crystal meth – the stuff Heisenberg manufactures in Breaking Bad – which we learned was becoming an increasing problem ...