My consciousness freshly raised and my mind spongier than ever, I spent my evenings imbibing the no-nonsense feminism of ...
This early experience — as editor, traveler, scholar — permeates “Theory & Practice,” her bristling and formally inventive new novel. Its structure feels alloyed, opening with the first ...
Being uniquely situated to provide holistic care to people in need of comprehensive healthcare, NPs use caring theory in their everyday practice. The purpose of this paper is to describe how ...
Bayesian statistics in contemporary data science signify a paradigm revolution in probabilistic argumentation that provides ...
This title is part of a longer publication history. The full run of this journal will be searched. TITLE HISTORY A title history is the publication history of a journal and includes a listing of the ...
From his adolescence, Sen was wedded to ‘practice’. While he was a student ... to the formulation of his leitmotif, namely the theory of Social or Moral Choice, was spontaneous.
First-year nurses often have difficulties while bridging the gap between educational theory and required workplace practice.
“Artists used to think about art through art. Now they think about it through Theory,” laments a character in Michelle de Kretser’s “Theory & Practice.” But the complaint falls on deaf ...
If you want to analyze an antenna, you can use simulation software or you can build an antenna and make measurements. [All Electroncs Channel] does both and show you how you can do it, too, in the ...
Although nurses traditionally see themselves as holistic in their practice, young NPs may embrace the medical model as their first clinical guide. Brown and Olshansky studied the first ...