The parts of the brain that are needed to remember words, and how these are affected by a common form of epilepsy, have been ...
A Stanford-led study finds that brain organization for visual recognition is partly innate but also shaped by experience. Using MRI on infants, researchers identified stable white matter connections ...
An international team of researchers, led by Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, has conducted a ...
The left middle temporal cortex is also involved in higher inter-brain neural synchrony during team flow. Credit COPYRIGHT (C) TOYOHASHI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY.
The hippocampus, amygdala and entorhinal cortex receive convergent input from temporal neocortical regions specialized for processing complex visual stimuli and are important in the representation ...
The team found that the brain's medial temporal lobe and medial frontal cortex are involved in processing social inference, but in different ways. The frontal cortex processes information in a ...
The animate-inanimate category distinction is one of the general organizing principles in the primate high-level visual cortex. Much less is known about the visual cortical representations of animacy ...