A megaquake in Japan could result in up to 298,000 deaths and $2 trillion in damages, according to new government estimates.
A day after Myanmar was hit with a 7.7 magnitude earthquake, the Director of Bangladesh Met Department, Momenul Islam, ...
With memories of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake still fresh, the government has ramped up disaster preparedness efforts ...
Scientists uncover surprising evidence that the Kerguelen hotspot, responsible for the 5,000-kilometer-long Ninetyeast Ridge, ...
A new study has revealed that the forces creating mountain ranges can also drive species diversity and the evolution of life.
It is highly prone to earthquakes due to its location on the boundary of the Indian and Eurasian tectonic plates.
'Geographically we are at risk due to being surrounded by three lands with tectonic activities with the boundary of Bangladesh, it is about 100-150 kilometres. Even in north we have the Eurasian ...