The headline of the Senate press release touted total support, "Senator Green's bill prohibiting biosolids as fertilizer ...
Trump issued an executive order on Thursday on crime in the district, while Lee's BOWSER Act would return D.C. governance to Congress.
Georgia Power's profit margins have reached the multi-billion dollar range following controversial rate increases.
The payments come from a fund energy companies pay into when they run out of renewable energy credits. It's expected to total ...
A bill to make Medicaid pay parents for providing certain care to their children with severe disabilities cleared its first ...
Oregon landlords could be barred from using AI-powered software to set rents or occupancy rates if the Oregon Legislature moves forward on a new bill.
Residential property owners in Lackawanna County may be recovering from sticker shock after receiving new tentative assessed values calculated as part of the county’s first reassessment since the late ...
Montana’s small, independent pharmacies say they’re getting increasingly squeezed on reimbursements by pharmacy benefit ...
Mississippi GOP Gov. Tate Reeves signed an income tax elimination bill that will increase the rate of income tax elimination.
Del. Matthew Rohrbach says it’s a bill he hopes the state never has to use. If passed it would automatically unenroll 166,000 West Virginias from Medicaid expan ...
A bill that aims to limit how much money can be reimbursed to large hospitals when treating patients who use a state employee ...
If the federal assistance for that expansion program is reduced, the West Virginia bill would disenroll and eliminate state ...