From jawboning universities to investigating journalists, the administration is straining free-speech rights, experts say.
Usha Vance, like her husband, has been on a rightward political journey and was part of a delegation due to visit the territory President Trump covets for the US ...
Donald Trump has signed an executive order targeting the Smithsonian Institution by threatening to withdrawal federal funding ...
Banks may have to pay out tens of billions of pounds if the British Supreme Court upholds a judgment ruling controversial car ...
I disagree with what you say but will defend to the death your right to say it.” — Voltaire (1694-1778) When Thomas Jefferson ...
The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom will on Tuesday hear arguments to overturn a judgment that could cost Britain's ...
Nearly all facets of the Judiciary necessitate reform. To kick off the conversation, I have identified several key areas that ...
The Court of Appeal sitting in Akure, Ondo State, has transferred the chieftaincy dispute between the Iralepo of Isinkan and ...
We have hired a government to protect our speech, not to tell us how to live. Instead, it does whatever will keep it in power ...
The Supreme Court in British Indian Ocean Territory ruled in December on an important issue concerning the detention of asylum seekers in Diego Garcia. While their cause has progressed (including in a ...