Mystery smells are maddening. And when that mystery smell wafts from the place where you keep your food... ugh! Nothing is more annoying than when your fridge smells bad even after cleaning it.
#2 Lemon Another reliable method to combat fridge odours involves using a lemon.Peel a lemon and place the peels in a jar.
THERE'S nothing worse than opening your fridge and being hit with a smell bad enough to ruin your appetite. However a household essential may be able to help, and there's no scrubbing involved.
But these temporary fixes won’t make anything better for the long haul—they’ll only layer another smell on top of the nasty ...
Or a bunch of spinach that goes wilted and stinks out your fridge? We’ve all been there. "Having to throw away food is money straight in the bin and bad news for overconsumption and our environment.