In an exclusive, freewheeling chat with, Saran opened up about being able to spend quality time with family despite a hectic schedule, motherhood, and some conscious, healthy choices ...
Beragam aplikasi yang berbasis komunikasi bisa mempermudah untuk menjalin silaturahmi terhadap sesama. Stiker menjadi salah satu cara untuk melanggengkan persaudaraan. Dengan menggunakan stiker, warga ...
She is also a Certified Stress Management Coach. A recent study found a whole plastic spoon's worth of tiny plastic shards in human brain tissue. Pretty wild, right? Some researchers have ...
Every minute, the equivalent of one garbage truck of plastic enters our oceans. Scientists warn that by 2040, plastic waste in our seas could triple, threatening marine life and potentially our ...
Plastic packaging can have substantially smaller environmental impacts—including 70% lower greenhouse gas emissions—compared to other packaging materials, according to a new study. The findings ...
Meskipun Presiden Prabowo telah menunjukkan komitmen politik yang kuat dalam mereformasi sektor pengelolaan aset negara melalui pembentukan Danantara, kebijakan ini tetap memicu perdebatan di tengah ...
Shriya Saran prioritises fitness with a balanced diet and diverse workouts. She shares her go-to exercise routine and nutrition tips for staying fit at 42. Shriya Saran highlights her holistic ...
Dengan pemasangan yang mudah, stiker dinding menjadi alternatif favorit untuk mempercantik interior. Namun, masalah sering muncul saat wallpaper dilepas. Sisa lem yang menempel kuat di dinding kerap ... - WhatsApp sebelumnya dilaporkan tengah mengembangkan fitur untuk membuat dan membagikan seluruh paket stiker kustom. Namun kini, dalam pembaruan WhatsApp beta terbaru untuk Android ...
Poor people in vast city slums across the Global South are burning plastic to cook their food, warm their homes and boil water for hot showers. Waste plastic is plentiful and highly flammable.