In Kenya, a simple solar-powered oven is offering a cheap and healthy alternative to traditional cooking methods ...
Additionally, the market potential for manufacturing and distributing solar PV-based e-cooking equipment represents a significant factor attracting global interest.” A thematic evaluation of ...
Following is a transcript of the video. Medha: This is the GoSun. It's a solar powered grill that claims to cook a meal for two people in minutes. It is steamy! Oh fudge it's so hot! Jake ...
The project: Development, Production Scale-up, and Commercialisation of an Electric Solar Cooker (MakSol Cooker) to Reduce the Cooking Carbon Footprint in Households, was funded to address the ...
the initial KES500 million will be offered to private solar home system and clean cooking stove suppliers to enable them to buy stock and set up distribution networks in the 14 Kenyan counties ...