To make a direct call to Slovenia From Italy, you need to follow the international dialing format given below. The dialing format is same for calling Slovenia mobile or land line from Italy. To call ...
Snowfall across the Alps has dropped by a third in 100 years, a new study reveals. It’s well known that the snow cover on ‘Europe’s rooftop’ is getting patchier. But the study led by ...
Italy reinstated border controls with Slovenia as part of its strategy to improve home security against threats of terrorist attacks in Europe, the government said on Wednesday (18 October). "The ...
Italy's tourism ministry has faced ridicule after an official video to attract tourists to Italy used footage of people in Slovenia drinking Slovenian wine. The video, part of a 9-million euro ($9 ...
To make a direct call to Italy From Slovenia, you need to follow the international dialing format given below. The dialing format is same for calling Italy mobile or land line from Slovenia. To call ...