This is a photo gallery curated by AP photo editors. With salmon fishing barred off the California coast for two years, ...
The benefits of eating salmon are amplified by also eating the fish's skin. "Salmon skin is not only edible but also contains ...
Oklahoma might be a thousand miles from the nearest ocean, but there’s a seafood sanctuary in Tulsa that makes geography ...
Canned salmon, long thought to be just a pantry staple, has unexpectedly become a valuable archive of Alaskan marine ecology.
Here are the recipes we’re whipping up this month to get dinner on the table, entertain our friends, satisfy a sweet tooth, ...
It’s hard to believe, but the Sand Crab Classic Perch Derby celebrated its 20th year over the weekend. Yes, it’s all in ...
The Edmonds Stream Team released 5,000 “baby” chum salmon into lower Shell Creek on Monday. These chum salmon “fry” were ...
Spectacular drone footage captured Southern Resident Killer Whales as they made their way through the Monterey Bay frolicking ...
The North of Falcon process is under way right now that will decide salmon seasons for Puget Sound, the Washington Coast, and the Columbia River, including both freshwater and salt water fisheries.
We’re seeing more surf perch on the beaches, and more congregation of perch schools at certain sandy beaches at certain times ...
A new study has offered a route to saving endangered wild salmon populations in Scotland. Levels of the fish have dropped drastically in Scotland and it is a species classed as ‘endangered’ on ...
weeks after salmon carcasses and fish oil washed up on some sandy shores. Biosecurity Tasmania confirmed on Tuesday that the bacteria responsible for the mass mortality of Tasmanian salmon in pens ...