Olympian Jeff Galloway, who developed the Run Walk Run program, uses a slightly different threshold for his athletes. They ...
Are you ready to get hog wild? The Easter Bunny may be the star of spring, but it’s all about bacon during the 10th annual ...
The term gets a bad rap in the running community—but we should be using it more.
Find a local hill or set a treadmill to an incline of at least six. Run 30 seconds hard, at eight to nine, on a scale of one ...
This mix of intervals, sprints, resistance running and goal-mile pace workouts will build your conditioning while providing ...
You need more than just slow and steady jogs to get faster. Here's how use another type of training in your routine.
Through numberless public parks, in every sort of weather, straggle the beflanneled registrants of Run for Your Life programs, jogging up to five miles a day, sometimes at the very respectable ...