In 2025, Maha Shivratri will be observed on Wednesday, February 26, with the Nishita Kaal Puja (midnight worship) taking place from 12:09 AM to 12:59 AM on February 27. The rituals of ...
The Serenade of the Seas kicks off Royal Caribbean’s 26-27 season in San Diego with a short cruise to Baja Mexico. Sailing in early October, the two-night cruise features a visit to Ensenada before ...
I have been studying Romans 14 a lot lately. In this thread, I am interested in intensively exegetical and theological discussion about what Romans 14 teaches about foods, days, and worship music.
Roman history in video games offers a variety of genres from CRPGs to city-building simulations, appealing to history buffs and strategy fans alike. Games like CivCity: Rome and Expeditions: Rome ...