Skygazers in the UK could be treated to a show of the Northern Lights. Clear skies in Scotland overnight into Sunday mean it is a good spot to possibly see the displays of light from the aurora ...
In a televised interview, the DPWH Secretary Manuel Bonoan said the bridge — which was only opened to the public in February — was initially meant for light vehicles. He said it had design ...
Same taste. Today Mumbai was a Marlboro Light." Netizens had a hilarious response to Vir's analogy. "I live in Delhi. It rained yesterday, so we are Esse Lights at the moment. Usually, we are Marlboro ...
“I live in Delhi. It rained yesterday, so today we’re Esse Lights. On most days, we’re Marlboro Advance,” one comment read. Another chimed in, “Delhi’s air keeps switching flavors until it eventually ...
and I can buy my own Ferrari? Great!!" Another shared, "I live in Delhi, it rained yesterday, so we are Esse Lights at the moment. Usually, we are Marlboro Advance." A comment read, "Delhi keeps ...
Comedian-actor Vir Das has a unique way of reacting to things. Sometimes it’s a straight post, other times, it’s laden with sarcasm. His Saturday post stands just in the middle. Vir, on Instagram, ...
It rained yesterday, so we are Esse Lights at the moment. Usually, we are Marlboro Advance.” Another added, “Delhi keeps changing taste until it turns into Gudang Garam.” Also Read ...
Once your pawns realize they've been cut off from nature's light cycles, they're going to crave it! The outdoors need levels are going to decay 3x faster* if they are stuck indoors without windows.
Di sisi lain, tidak sedikit pula orang yang gerah dengan kemunculan asap rokok di tempat umum. Kalangan medis berulang kali mengedukasi mengenai bahaya merokok terhadap kesehatan bagi perokok aktif ...
SEPASANG KEKASIH BAWA SABU - FB dan SO sepasang kekasih, yang sempat mencoba melarikan diri dengan melemparkan kotak rokok Esse berisi sabu, berhasil diamankan oleh Tim Opsnal Sat Resnarkoba di Jalan ...
Saat hendak diamankan, tersangka FB sempat mencoba melarikan diri dengan melemparkan sebuah kotak rokok Esse. Namun, tim langsung bereaksi cepat dan berhasil menangkap kedua tersangka. Dalam ..., Jakarta - Wacana penyeragaman kemasan rokok tanpa identitas merek (kemasan rokok polos) melalui Rancangan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan (Permenkes) dinilai dapat menghambat target ...