Anything conceived of by a group of people or even one person, that benefits society and the world as a whole is worthy of being lauded. In the case of the USAgain textile recycling drop off at Hy-Vee ...
A sustainability group says it's kept 1.3 million pounds of waste out of landfills since 2021. Meet the tinker team, a group ...
L.A. has touted its goal to recycle all its wastewater by 2035. Now that timeline has been pushed back 20 years.
Cass County residents say the stench from Black Elk Farms makes going outside unbearable and is causing health problems.
Jeannine Luby grew tired of seeing litter scattered throughout Scranton and set out to make a difference. After originally embracing the Swedish practice of “plogging” — picking up trash while out ...
Time is ticking for Michigan landfills. That's according to a new report from the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and ...
The city of Kinloch, Missouri, is removing years of illegally dumped waste — including tires, metal scraps, and mattresses — ...
The U.S. Plastics Pact and explore how shifting procurement strategies—and mindsets—can help unlock demand for ...
A report from Baltimore’s inspector general reveals new details about the death of Ronald Silver II, the trash collector who ...
Recycle Utah is working to improve the landfill diversion rate in Summit County. The nonprofit faces a September 2026 ...
The City of Cape May officials have crafted a new ordinance that will place new requirements on how residents and businesses ...