Red Pitaya, which does software-defined instrumentation, unveiled next-generation hardware akin to the "Raspberry Pi of measurement" gear.
Tribal2 is using a Raspberry Pi to drive this cool interactive LED world map that integrates with his smart home setup.
Raspberry Pi Pico microcontrollers come with a variety of different features for a few bucks, and a few interesting ...
OrangePi RV2 uses RISC-V CPU architecture, an alternative to x86 and ARM. RV2 offers 8-core Ky X1 RISC-V AI CPU, with 2TOPS ...
The Civitas Universe has put together a cool Raspberry Pi cyberdeck that scans brains and features a cool cyberpunk theme in ...
Given how popular the Raspberry Pi is, it can be easy to forget that there are alternatives out there that suit different use cases. For example, when we compared the Raspberry Pi ...
While the Orange Pi RV RISC-V SBC introduced at the Orange Pi Developer Conference 2024 last year is yet to be launched ...
Instacart examines deep cuts of its data to determine which pies win Americans' hearts and stomachs, uncovering surprising ...