A white dwarf and a red dwarf star have been discovered closely orbiting each other emitting radio pulses every two hours. Their findings means we know it isn't just neutron stars that emit such ...
In the past three years, astronomers have discovered a mysterious new type of radio source. We call these long-period ...
Using the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA), astronomers have performed high-resolution observations of a nearby ...
Cerca de 150 pessoas participaram do 1º Simpósio de Aprimoramento Profissional e Divulgação Científica em Medicina ...
World Radio Day on February 13, 2025, is dedicated to “Radio and Climate Change” to support radio stations in their journalistic coverage of this issue. Despite the recent scarcity of ...
Antes, ele trabalhou na CNN Brasil, Band, BandNews, Rádio Estadão e Rádio Bandeirantes. Entre seus melhores momentos na carreira estão alguns embates com o comentarista conservador Alexandre ...
The rumors turned out to be correct, even if most were styling it with a capital E rather than a lower-case one: the iPhone SE 4 is officially named the iPhone 16e. One question is what the e ...
(KNSI) – A heating system malfunction at the Benton-Stearns Education Center is shifting two programs to e-learning for the rest of the week. Program Supervisor Abby Lyon emails that the change ...
The National Sports Media Association in December named him Nebraska Sportscaster of the Year, and last month the athletic department named his pressbox workspace the “Greg Sharpe Radio Booth.” “This ...
Em 1943, a Suprema Corte dos Estados Unidos reconheceu Tesla como o criador do princípio técnico do rádio. Na década de 1930 e 1940, conhecida como a Era de Ouro do Rádio, o meio se consolidou com a ...