Not only can they build mammoth-sized legs and improve core stability, but they also light up your entire posterior chain. While the exercise is straightforward, any veteran lifter will tell you your ...
Trogolaphysa formosensissp. nov.: (1) habitus of a fixed specimen in ethanol, lateral view; (2) habitus (dorsal view); (3) apical region of Ant IV (right); (4) apical region of Ant III (right); (5) ...
What is posterior tibialis tendon surgery? Posterior tibialis tendon surgery is a way to fix the tendon on the back of your calf that goes down the inside part of your ankle. A surgeon can do a few ...
Get Instant Summarized Text (Gist) Tiny changes in the timing of expression of the gene orthodenticle (otd) can significantly affect eye size in fruit flies. In Drosophila mauritiana, earlier ...
Posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) is caused by damage that builds up in the brain cells at the back of the brain. This is the part of our brain that processes information from our eyes, and allows us ...
Methods: Using retrograde tracing methods, we first demonstrated the existence of a medial septal-dorsal lateral septal -accumbal circuit very likely involving social disruption stress-primed ...
The CA1, an important subregion of the hippocampus, is anatomically and functionally heterogeneous in the dorsal and ventral hippocampus. Here, to dissect the distinctions between the dorsal (dCA1) ...