They say diamonds are forever, but Nintendo 3DS game carts might be ready to give that precious material a run for its money.
The Pokémon Company has officially revealed that Pikachu and all its friends will be partnering with LEGO in the near future.
Pokemon fans enjoy creating regional forms, like for Phantump and Trevenant, combining different types and abilities. The regional Trevenant is described as being more intimidating after ...
The dust is still settling on this weekend's Pokémon Go Tour Unova, but the game is already getting ready for the next big public event - and the highlight of the game's annual calendar - Pokémon Go ...
This year's logo prominently features several golden gears, which nods to the Mythical Pokémon Magearna. This Steel and Fairy creature was introduced in Gen 7's Pokémon Sun and Moon. Each year ...
Happening a few years after X and Y, Pokemon Sun and Moon takes us to the Alola region. While we don't have any information from Matsumiya about where this game fits in the timeline, it features a ...
Eleven years ago, the gaming community went crazy over the channel TwitchPlaysPokemon, where thousands of people tried to beat Pokemon Red together. The hysteria inspired several YouTube videos ...
Losin’, which is out April 25 on Mtn Laurel Recording Co. The follow-up to Miller’s 2023 debut Haw Creek finds him reuniting with producer Alex Farrar at Drop of Sun Studio and features MJ Lenderman ...
Pokémon GO offers a wide variety of Pokémon for players to catch in the real world. You’ll need plenty of berries and Poké Balls to catch them effectively. Stocking up on these supplies is essential ...
The Pokémon Company was awarded “substantial” damages as part of a settlement in a long-running lawsuit with the developers of Chinese copycat mobile game Pocket Monster: Remake. Pocket ...