Minister for Planning and Development Ahsan Iqbal says ‘Uraan Pakistan’ Program will lead the country towards development and prosperity. Speaking at a function in Narowal today, he said Pakistan is ...
Mitte ainult kuld, hõbe ja uraan, aga ka raud, tsink, plii, toorium... Rääkimata fosforiidist. Ühel Virumaa metsalagendikul asub uurimiskeskus, mille laod on täis Eesti rahva geoloogilist rikkust.
Sel nädalal avaneb taevas ainulaadne vaatepilt, kui seitse planeeti – Marss, Jupiter, Uraan, Veenus, Neptuun, Merkuur ja Saturn – on korraks nähtavad õhtuses taevas. Seda haruldast nähtust nimetatakse ...
Teadlased on avastanud, et Marsi punane värvus tuleneb raudhüdriidist, mis on vesinikurikas rauaoksiid. Varem arvati, et punane toon pärineb hematiidist, mis moodustub kuivades tingimustes, kuid uus ...
It must have balanced circulation to keep all organs working. The 5Es Plan, central to URAAN Pakistan's objectives, for instance, may consider adding 6th 'E' referring to 'Evenness of ...
Maulana Abdul Khabir Azad, Chairman of the Central Ruet-e-Hilal Committee, has announced that Muslims across Pakistan will observe Ramadan and celebrate Eidul Fitr on the same day this year ...
KARACHI: Federal Minister for Planning and Development Ahsan Iqbal and Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah addressed a joint press conference here on Monday, discussing key national and ...
The ranking for cross-sectoral comparison for inclusion into PSDP or continuation of ongoing projects would be done based on some key factors with strategic alignment to Uraan Pakistan.
ISLAMABAD, Feb 23 (APP):The federal government has officially commenced consultations with provincial governments and key stakeholders for the implementation and achievement of the objectives of the ...
The Uraan Pakistan initiative, a five-year economic transformation plan, aligns with these objectives by emphasising export growth, digital transformation and climate resilience. The initiative ...
He said economic progress based on exports was an important element of "Uraan Pakistan" vision, adding necessary reforms should be introduced in the governance of Export Development Fund for ...