The $16 million project is scheduled to start later this year, pending approval from the Colorado Department of Public Health ...
Harmful microorganisms such as bacteria represent one of the largest threats to human health. Efficient sterilization methods ...
At least two mass extinction events in Earth's history were likely caused by the "devastating" effects of nearby supernova ...
A recent CLA webinar titled “The Customer Experience: Trends in Laundry Amenities” took a closer look at laundromat amenities ...
A groundbreaking study led by scientists at MIT has confirmed that the Antarctic ozone layer is on a steady path to recovery, ...
Pruitt recommends that everyone keep an eye on the air quality forecasts in their area as well as a few tips on bad air quality days: Gardening in the morning before the air gets bad. If you’re a ...
In 2025, around 120 SpaceX Starlink satellites re-entered Earth’s atmosphere and burnt up upon descent. These artificial ...
The rate of stars going supernova near Earth appears to match two mass extinctions -- 372 million years ago and 445 million ...
"If a massive star were to explode as a supernova close to the Earth, the results would be devastating for life on Earth," said Nick Wright, an astrophysicist at Keele University in the United Kingdom ...