«Das alte Schloss brannte vollständig nieder.» Die Lage auf der Insel mit einer maroden Holzbrücke als einzigem Zugang habe die Löscharbeiten erheblich erschwert. Fünf Freiwillige ...
Ein gutes Fahrradschloss muss nicht unbedingt teuer sein – das zeigt der aktuelle Test. Während einfache Schlösser oft leicht zu knacken sind, steigen die Qualitätsstandards kontinuierlich.
Swedish authorities have yet to disclose the identity of the shooter who opened fire at an adult education center in Orebro, killing at least 10 people before taking his own life. While unverified ...
Officials said three women and two men underwent surgery at Orebro University Hospital after being admitted with life-threatening injuries. All were in serious-but-stable condition on Wednesday ...
Andersson allegedly carried out the massacre at the adult education centre in the town of Orebro, around 200km (125 miles) west of the capital Stockholm, before apparently turning the weapon on ...
The attack at an adult education centre in Orebro on Tuesday was described by the country's prime minister as the worst mass shooting in Sweden's history. In an update on Wednesday, police said ...
Police said the gunman was believed to be among those killed and a search for other possible victims was continuing at the school, located in the city of Orebro. The gunman's motive was not ...
Fahnen in Stockholm auf halbmast Am Mittwoch wurden in der schwedischen Hauptstadt Stockholm die Fahnen am Parlamentsgebäude sowie am königlichen Schloss auf halbmast gesetzt. Das teilte der ...
"I was in the classroom and someone suddenly came in. I saw him, I saw the shooter. As soon as he entered, he'd started shooting. Six, five times. So I started running." ...