Like many of the prolonged battles waged during the last year of World War II, the fighting on Iwo Jima resulted in the ...
Two elderly residents of Sardinia, a certified Blue Zone. Photo: Claudine Doury/Agence VU’/Redux It is exceptionally hard to ...
Lula da Silva becomes Tokyo's 1st state guest since 2019 as Brazilian president meets with Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako - Anadolu Ajansı ...
One of 27 Marines awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions in the Battle of Iwo Jima during World War II, Justice left a four-generation legacy of service that is still going strong. Now a Marine ...
Takamatsu Gushiken uses a hand hoe to delicately move dirt in a cave while searching for the remains of those who died during the Battle of Okinawa towards the end of the World War II in 1945 ...
When George Washington left office at the end of his second term, he left America with perhaps the most prescient lesson for the nation’s future on Sept. 19, 1796 in his famous farewell address to ...
Students from Seattle and Naha, Okinawa, celebrate the 50th anniversary of the cross-cultural exchange program.
Discover the Intrepid Museum's World War II exhibit, showcasing the Corsair aircraft and artifacts from Loren Isley's final mission and other historic items.
Andrew Biggio met his goal of having 500 veterans sign his M1 Garand Rifle before sending it to the Smithsonian.
On March 10, according to The Associated Press, a photograph of Private First Class Harold Gonsalves, who received the Medal of Honor for his heroic actions during the Battle of ...
The American forces had conquered the island of Okinawa at a tremendous cost. Germany had surrendered, but the fight was not over yet in the Pacific. The Army, Navy, and Marines still had a job to do: ...