First shipwrecks. Then oil rigs. Now, it’s offshore wind turbines that are becoming artificial reefs for creatures from ...
Fisher the Maine Coon, and his little brother Sailor, enjoy activities on the water including swimming, boating and paddle boarding.
Grab your tray, find a spot at one of the no-nonsense tables, and prepare for a religious experience of the seafood variety.
The shrimp scampi comes bathed in garlic butter that you’ll be tempted to drink directly from the plate when no one’s looking ...
Swimming with humpback whales, catching 30kg+ wahoo and tuna, scuba diving or snorkelling in gin-clear water, and nighttime ...
From pristine beaches to vibrant marine life and a thriving old town, Vicky Jessop explores the island whose year-round sun ...
The Saya de Malha Bank is one of the world’s largest seagrass fields and the planet’s most important carbon sinks. It faces incalculable risks that threaten the future of humanity.
If you think you've seen it all regarding the animal kingdom, think again! Nature truly has an endless way of surprising us ...
For the first time, sharks have been recorded making sounds, breaking with the fish's long held reputation as a silent hunter ...
So, blobfish don’t really look like melting ice cream in their natural environment. Underwater, they’re shaped like tadpoles: ...
The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Marine Mammal Program captured and relocated an elephant seal pup that was ...
Many people, even those living far from the ocean, are afraid of sharks. Popular culture commonly portrays sharks as ...