Zacatecas, Zac.- Con la finalidad de abonar a la cultura de la prevención y el autocuidado, en pro del bienestar de la ...
Overweight and obesity means weighing more than what is thought to be healthy for a person of that height. Body mass index (BMI), which estimates your level of body fat based on your height and weight ...
Background: Colorectal cancer (CRC) continues to be a major health concern in today’s world. Despite conflictive findings, evidence supports systemic inflammation’s impact on CRC patients’ survival ...
Obesity is a chronic disease that is diagnosed when a person’s body weight is about what’s considered healthy for their height. Obesity, defined by an oft-controversial metric of body mass index (BMI) ...
Anterograde transport of late endosomes or lysosomes (LE/Lys) is crucial for proper axon growth. However, the role of energetic nutrients has been poorly explored. Malonyl-CoA is a precursor of fatty ...