Lurking within the genomes of nearly all species—including plants, fungi, and even humans—are genes that are passed from generation to generation with no clear benefit to the organism. Called "selfish ...
A novel genetic model suggests that the ancestors of modern humans came from two distinct populations that split and reconnected during our evolutionary history.
Unsurprisingly, most people with extreme hover-moms have one of two outcomes: they either stay emotionally stunted “forever ...
Researchers have deepened our understanding of two of the five members of the CDKL family of genes, CDKL2 and CDKL1. They show that variants in these genes can lead to neurodevelopmental conditions, ...
"Although genetic research into Perrault syndrome is complex, this new information provides important pieces in the jigsaw. We are continuing to look at all the genes that cause Perrault syndrome as ...
New genetic links have been discovered between genetically-predicted height and an individual’s likelihood of developing a range of diseases and conditions. These new data could help improve ...
The research, published in NPJ Genomic Medicine, used data from six cohorts of diverse ancestries, including European, African, East Asian, and Hispanic populations, to explore the links between ...
PANDAS is characterised by a sudden onset of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) or tics after a strep infection. These symptoms often appear overnight, catching parents off guard. Alongside OCD ...
FRANKFURT, Feb 26 (Reuters) - Switzerland-based pesticides maker Syngenta said on Wednesday that it has acquired a repository of natural compounds and genetic strains from drugmaker Novartis (NOVN ...
While there are strong links between asthma and genetics, not everyone with a family history of asthma will develop it. Asthma can also occur in people with no family history of the condition.
Despite what was previously thought, new research has shown that genetic changes alone cannot explain why and where tumors grow in those with the genetic condition neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF-1).
but it’ll also make it much harder for your anonymized data (genetic or otherwise) to be linked to you. While no service promises to remove all your data from the internet, having a removal ...