The film, which is the feature directorial debut for filmmakers Sam and Andy Zuchero, hits theaters this week.
Directors and writers Sam and Andy Zuchero also share insight into the film centered on a buoy and satellite falling in love.
John Serba of Decider says You’re Cordially Invited is almost funny enough and almost heartwarming enough, but ultimately the ...
J ust when you thought you'd heard, seen, or read every love story trope (I mean, how many more friends-to-lovers stories do we really need?) Kristen Stewart's new movie Love Me c ...
The stars and directors of 'Love Me' chat about their experimental new sci-fi film and why it's not exactly pro-AI.
The Pitch: An extinction event has made the Earth a very empty place, so when a solar-powered “smart” buoy ( Kristen Stewart) powers back on after many years, it doesn’t have anyone to make contact ...
Kristen Stewart plays one of those remnants: a little yellow SMART buoy we first see trapped in ice in a desolate landscape.
Kristen Stewart and Steven Yeun play lovers in "Love Me." Credit: Bleecker Street On its surface, Love Me might look like a ...
During an interview at Sundance, Dave Franco explains why he loves working with the Now You See Me cast and what fans can ...