There is no strong Europe without the USA and NATO, just as there is no strong NATO without a committed Europe,” Andrzej Duda ...
Immediately, allow Ukraine to become a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO); it currently has 32 member states. Established in the aftermath of World War II, Article 5 of the ...
And, that Ukraine cannot join NATO. Our “leaders” continue to cozy up to far-right regimes as they try to destroy our relationship with Europe. Let me remind them that Article V of the NATO ...
One of the biggest recent changes in Washington is the abandonment of NATO and our allies, including Ukraine. Russia is celebrating, and that’s a repressive place where people have no First ...
The author makes some valid points that, I think, call for action. Nevertheless, I suggest updating and improving NATO as opposed to putting it to bed. The purpose, success and value of NATO ...