The cold waters of the Arctic are home to an unusual whale that you might have heard of, the narwhal. Narwhals have a long, sharp tusk that juts out of their heads. As NPR's Nell Greenfieldboyce ...
The men’s and women’s NCAA Spartan basketball programs, and the Fighting Narwhals of MSU’s graduate student and faculty intramural basketball league. A hard-nosed style of play, inspired by ...
Many details have remained unknown about narwhals, the elusive tusked whales that dive in the icy waters of Canada’s High Arctic. But a new study from Florida Atlantic University is shedding lig ...
Narwhals use their tusks to bat around fish in first documented case of narwhal play. Researchers have long debated what narwhals’ tusks are for, with some arguing that the long, spiralled tooth ...
Newly published drone footage sheds light into narwhal behavior and provides the first-ever evidence of the animals engaging in play, according to a new study. Screengrab from Florida Atlantic ...