The Museum is open to the public Wednesday through Saturday 9AM-4PM*. Individual visitors are welcome for self-guided visits on Wednesday through Saturday. ALL GROUPS must complete online reservation ...
Two Point Museum, developed by Two Point Studios and published by Sega, is the latest instalment in the Two Point series. Known for the series’ quirky take on simulation games, Two Point Museum ...
With a major expansion by OMA debuting this fall, the museum reopens with a landmark exhibition featuring 150 artists, and tackles timely questions about technological change. By Aruna D’Souza ...
Paget Primary School is holding their 7th Annual Black History Museum event, with this year’s honorees including Allison Figureido, Antoine Richards, Chesley Trott, Clermont “Duke” Joell ...
Two Point Museum is the best management sim from Two Point Studios to date. With a wealth of customization options and intuitive building tools, you can create the museum of your dreams ...
Two Point Museum is the coolest, cosiest, and most evolved iteration of the formula to date, even if its more obtuse aspects prevented me from becoming a pro curator. PC Gamer's got your back Our ...
As you manage your museum and make sure you have enough toilets and staff to handle the gift shops (I am forever forgetting to build toilets), you must also send off specialists into the wider Two ...
Two Point Museum is a game about how the crushing practicalities of life eventually force you to spend less and less time on the things you truly care about. More specifically, it's a game where I ..., Jakarta Memiliki rumah impian adalah salah satu prioritas bagi banyak orang, terutama bagi mereka yang baru membangun keluarga. Setiap individu tentu ingin memiliki hunian yang nyaman ...
Museum Nasional (Museum Gajah) Museum Nasional atau yang akrab disapa dengan Museum Gajah menjadi satu destinasi wisata edukasi yang cocok dikunjungi masyarakat saat libur sekolah. Terletak di Jalan ...
Museum Nasional Indonesia, atau sering disebut Museum Gajah, adalah tempat yang sempurna bagi siswa untuk belajar tentang sejarah dan budaya Indonesia. Museum ini memiliki koleksi lebih dari 140.000 ...
Discover what you can see and do in our free galleries, and where you can eat, drink and shop across the Museum. Whether you're visiting us for the first time or the fiftieth, these self-guided tours ...