Research shows that it takes 66 days to form a habit, and while you’re probably well acquainted with morning workouts by now ...
Imagine for a moment that one kid who all the adults feel is “a little unmotivated.” Maybe this is the kid who “isn’t living ...
Although there has been a shift towards women in the weight room as of late, the reality remains that many women still feel a ...
Yoga and meditation: Incorporating these practices can help you relax and reduce mental tension. Breathing exercises: Deep breathing techniques can help calm the mind and lower cortisol levels.
Max and Mackenzie Malec of GYMGUYZ North Shore demonstrate how to channel their March Madness competitive time into ...
You know you should develop a regular exercise routine, but you lack motivation. Promises to yourself are quickly broken, and you never establish enough of the workout habit to experience any rewards.
Decatur’s Planet Fitness was open and busy on Thursday, just one day after a man was arrested for secretly filming people ...
Research shows music can help people reconnect with familiar moments from their past. Moving with it helps improve motor ...
It’s not how you start; it’s how you finish.” And there’s a lot of truth to that. Starting something new or different isn’t ...
Too many workout choices can feel overwhelming. Discover the best options to fit your lifestyle, whether at home, in the gym, ...
Famous faces such as Queen Elizabeth II and Oprah Winfrey have shared pearls of wisdom over the years, here are some of our ...
I'm seeing a lot more people incorporating functional training into their workout routines,” says one of the experts who ...