Veena Rathi knows the trick to good AQI and she’s here to share it with you. With plants dating back to 1980, here’s how she is building an oasis in Delhi.
Indoor plants can bring colour and life to a room, but yellowing leaves and sloping stems can be less inspiring. Experts say there are simple things you can do to help your plants stay vibrant and ...
He says young Monstera deliciosa, or Swiss cheese plants are "best staked straight away" to train them to grow vertically. He says this can help avoid the "hunchback monstera, or sad-looking ...
Fungus gnats are mosquito-like flies that love moist potting soil. Gnats in houseplants are annoying. Known as fungus gnats, they’re actually small flies about 1/8-inch long that are drawn to moist ...
Is there a more desirable fantasy than pottering around at the end of your garden on a syrupy summer evening, filling a trug with muddy homegrown produce for supper? The smug satisfaction of plonking ...
Midwest Access - What Trending? St. Patty's Day Donuts, Deep Fake AI Celebrities & World's Best Dog Crowned ...
Keep it in a plastic pot, and you’ll be safe. Monstera deliciosa, has iconic Swiss-cheese-like leaves and is loved around the world. It’s a fabulous house plant and is great indoors – so ...
Gardens are mysterious creatures, capable of thrilling highs that induce heart-swelling pride and joy but also the reverse – devastating disappointment when that plant cutting you have lovingly ...
An expert shared tips to help your Monstera plants thrive GETTY Every few weeks, remember to dust the leaves of your monstera. This is because it easily collect lots of dust, which blocks light and ...
So much so that after a year you might be struggling to find a place in your home for the plant to fit in. Petar says, "The Monstera Deliciosa plant can produce up to 1-2 new leaves monthly when it's ...